~「GN(ジオのぼせ)日誌」No.2 ~
台北の町はどんな街並みなのか?どんな人達が生活しているのか?どんな食べ物があるのか?そして、どんなキャッシュが待っていてくれるのか?特にあのミステリーキャッシュがどんなものなのか? 全てがとても楽しみ~!!
【GC5KJCN 大怪獣ラドンからの脱出】
PATAAUW】 【GC5KJCN 大怪獣ラドンからの脱出】
15分考えましたがギブアップです。最後は答えを教えて貰った始末です。(笑) しかし、英語が苦手な私はそれでも良く理解できませんでした。
私が感じるジオの一番の面白さは「目的の座標に近づくに連れて高まるワクワク感です。」いったいどんな場所なのか?どんなコンテナが待っているのか? そして、どんなパズルがあるのか?
【GC815W5:Meet up at Taipei】
それは「GC7T2ZC:RSS:Underground Emergency #1 / 西門緊急停靠站」を見つけた事でした。
西門近くのホテルを早朝に出て「GC7CCXQ Special Street Lights: Flamingos」と「GC7CCW2 Side-South Gate of Taipei City Walls」と順調に見つけて意気揚々とこのマルチにやって来たのです。
キャッシュ指示「@ First stage, you need to find a camera
怪しいと思った場所を探すとpenetrareさんの写真に写っているものがありました。やった、間違いない!そして手を伸ばすと....。Bingo !
勿論、「GC3NXZV:Taipei Beimen Post Office / 臺北北門郵局」です。
さすが「GEOCACHE OF THE WEEK」として紹介されるのもあたり前だと思いました。
----- English Version -----
My first Geocaching in Taiwan “ I loved Taiwan!”
~「GN(Geo-Nobose)diary」No.2 ~
26 SAT January 2019, I was
looking outside scenery from the seat of Airplane just arriving to Taiwan
Tauyuan International Airport. I was staring outside scenery from the seat of an
aircraft about to land at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. In the window,
there was spreading the sceneries of Taiwan that I looked first time.
Houses standing side by Reddish fields, The gray road that stretches like sewing between these, A factory that blue trucks are outing and inning, Many aquaculture ponds are deep green like a forest, and The skyline of high building.
Unlike the pale colors of Japan, when I was
looking at the scenery where each color was deep and clear, I realized "I
finally came to Taiwan just now !".
At the same time, my heart was hot to abroad for the first time.
What kind of cityscapes are Taipei like? What kind of people are living? What foods are there? And what kind of caches are waiting for me? Especially what is one mystery cache like? Everything is very funny ~! !
<1.My first abroad trip>
my first abroad trip that trip to Taiwan. For me, this trip to Taiwan was
virtually the first abroad trip since I was born. For so far, I have little
interest in traveling abroad and had never been abroad on my own will. Only, I
traveled around 1990 in the United States and Canada, and in Korea. Both trips
were fully with interpreters, so the actual situation was the same as domestic
I decided go to Taiwan only myself, cause I
wanted to visit to one mystery cache by all means.
That mystery cache is "GC7GC3R:
PATAAUW" by JoyChang-san.
<2.The encounter to JoyChang-san>
In the first place, the reason why I wanted
to visit “PATAAUW” goes back to my encounter with her about three years ago.
That was on Aug 2017. It is time
that I met her first in Fukuoka City.
It was when JoyChang-san tried my mystery cache "GC5KJCN: Escape from Monster Rodan". This cache is troublesome and time-consuming, and maybe that most geocachers don't want to visited it .
【GC5KJCN Escape from Monster Rodan】
This mystery cache is an escape
game style and time trial game.
However, it is a really
cumbersome cache because there are many waypoints, 4 stages + finals, and each puzzle
are asked only after scanning the QR code each stages. The standard solving
time is 120-240 minutes. 😱
On that day, a message arrived
me from JoyChang-san.
It message is “May I ask for more hints of the 2nd stage?”.
I knew JoyChang-san was a very clever
in the exchange of messages so far, so I thought that she could solve it
without giving any additional hints.
Therefore, I only answered,
"The hint for this stage is" XXXXXXXX "out of the 5 hints
After a while, I had received a
message from her "A-ha! I got it.".
Great! JoyChang-san was the
second person to solve this puzzle on own within the time limit.
That is worthy of her.
I had just planned to go to Hakata Station
where the cache was set up, so I came to want to see JoyChang-san suddenly who
had successfully cleared 3 stages since then.
Therefore I straddled my bike in hurry and
went to the final stage at Hakata Station.
Then one man stood there. but, he had no
atmosphere of Geocacher.
"Well, who is JoyChang-san?",
at next moment a beautiful young woman appeared front of me. I was surprised.
(There are few young female Geocachers in Japan, at least I have never met.)
【At Hakata
After we met, JoyChang-san
was able to solve the original puzzle of the stage 4 that I created with
confidence. After that, I guided her to the GZ, and during that time, it was
just a 15 minute. I was impressed and disappointed.
It is a new moment of ENCOUNTER !
(but I wanted to see her struggle a bit more to answer⁉😁)
A few days later, JoyChang-san returned to Taiwan, and send me a new message ". I really love you caches so much! So interesting and so creative! Do you mind if I hide some similar caches in Taiwan?”
Of course, there must be no objection to me.
It's an honor to just give me such an offer.
And I promised. "Once the
cache is published, I will go to Taiwan."
<3. Wow, “PATAAUW” was published
The following year, in February 2018, I noticed that "PATAAUW" has already been published. And when I look at the cache details .....
Great! The simple design, the smooth story, the clever hints and good designed notes. The all were sophisticated.
Wonderful !!!
PATAAUW】 【GC5KJCN Escape from Monster Rodan】
To be honest, it was a truly upgraded cache
with content that was incomparably different from my Rodan cache.
I wonder what is the meaning of
"PATAAUW" ?, So I investigated
it, and I was able to know that it was a
word for "巫女(witches)" in the words of
the Ketagalan tribe. It is said that the comics"北投巫女" was created with the background of the
history and culture of the indigenous tribe in Taiwan, and so the title was
given it, I thought it is convinced of the story unique to Taiwan.
It was pity that there was no Japanese
version of this comics. I wanted to read it.
With this mystery cache as a trigger, I did
some research on the history and culture of Taiwan. And I learned that
Taiwanese people are trying to preserve and inherit the entire history and
culture as much as possible, including in the Japanese era.
I might never knew it if not for
this cache.
<4. Challenge to long-awaited “PATAAUW”>
27 SUN January 2019, the second day on Taiwan trip, it was challenge day for”PATAAUW”.
I met Joy-san and dirtybrando-san at the Qiyan
station and arrived at the prologue on a U-bike. Of course, it was clear
immediately. (I have been solved it in advance.)
However, I stumbled greatly in
the first stage. I couldn't even imagine how to
solve it. Joy-san gives hints many times, but still "?????" ....
I gave up to solve it after 15
minutes. Finally, I was gave answer from cache owner. But I couldn't understood
it, 'cause I’m poor in English.
After that I was able to find to cache with Joy-san's support. I exactly self-identified that I was not able to find the cache only by myself.
First Joy-san told me “This is a D1 cache for Hiko-san”. But, she's wrong. This cache is D10 for me !
Wow, It's wonderful cache ! This
cache is the same style as my Rodon, but is definitely another cache. Great cache
(I'm very bad at mystery. I like
to create quirky mysteries, but I'm not good at solving.)
<5.Regarding GC5KJCN「Escape from Monster Rodan」>
Here, I would like to introduce
the story of making "Rodon".
The motivation for making this
cache was "I want to make a puzzle cache that I found interesting."
The most interesting
thing about the Geocaching that I feel is "The excitement that increases
as I approach the initial coordinates." What kind of container is
waiting for me? And what puzzles are there?
By the way,
here is also the reason I search caches by coordinates only too.
【Search only by coordinates!】
My action
starts from the state that has no information other than GPS information. I
then rely on own eyes, sensibility, knowledge, and wisdom to gather the information
they need and find the cache.
Of course, there is a lot of
waste. In the case of the traditional cache, if I look at the hint after
searching for 15 minutes using only the coordinates, I can see that completely
mistook. And I can see from the previous logs, DNF is continuous and the loss
is reliable. But I still like this process.
Basically, the mystery cache can
be answered even if it is not at GZ.
I still wanted to create a
puzzle that could only be solved at initial coordinates or at GZ.
At this time, the idea of
creating an "escape game" by geo was born.
I have never experienced an
escape game, but I thought it would be fun. After coming up with this idea, I
first thought of using Wherigo, but it was impossible. So, I decided to create
a mystery that be as "Mystery/Puzzle Caches often become the staging
ground for new and unique Geocaches that do not fit in another category".
Next, how do I put out a puzzle?
How to measure time? And it must be easy to create and maintenance.
After thinking through various
ideas, I repeated trial and error, and finally came up with a method to measure
the time using "certitude" and to show puzzles using a QR code.
To create the puzzles, I bought
a book about the escape game and used it as a reference, and thought about some
original puzzles. Fortunately, the story of the game reminded me of a movie I
saw when I was little, "Rodan the Great Monster in the Sky." This
movie is set in Fukuoka City, and the story of protecting the city of Fukuoka
from Rodon came from the coming up quickly.
The mystery has been published
five years ago, but still has only 24 visitors. That's right! It is natural that there are few peoples who
want to try such a complicated and time-consuming mystery.
But you think fun that such a
cache be too, don't you? It's fun to make a group with several peoples, share
wisdom with each other, and solve the problem with teamwork while consulting.
This cache is placed at Hakata
Station. Because it is a game that can be considered indoors, it is suitable
for Geocaching on rainy day or chilly day.
If you are coming to Fukuoka,
please try it out. There is a beautiful "Geocache Ruby" in this cache
【Geocache Ruby】
<6.My first hosted Event cache at abroad>
Let's return the story to Taiwan.
After finding 「PATAAUW」, it's another purpose of the trip to host
the first abroad event cache. Every time I travel around the country in Japan,
I hold an event there, but since it was my first abroad geo, it was naturally
the first event hosted abroad.
At first, I was worried that no Geocacher
other than Joy-san who had contacted in advance would come. I thought that if
one unknown old man came from Fukuoka, Japan, no one would be interested.
However, actually 11 Geocachers participated. Wow!
BuBuChe-san's family, goofiemumkanoakailer-san's
family, and wildest_monkey-san. And also American couples and Conveam-san
from Germany.
Our chatting got excited and the
30 minutes schedule turned into a 90 minutes event.
What I felt at this time,
Taiwan's Geocacher's passion for Geocaching. It was an event that I felt that
everyone was enjoying Geocaching in their own style. I couldn't talk about into
details, 'cause, I was poor in English, but I had a very enjoyable and
meaningful time.
I would like to thank every Geocachers
who gathered at this time. Thank you very much.
【GC815W5:Meet up at Taipei】
<7. Happy Geocaching in Taiwan!>
There were a good luck for me in
Taiwan Geocaching.
I was to be able to find "GC7T2ZC: RSS: Underground Emergency # 1 / Ximen Emergency Stop Station"!
I left the hotel near Ximen early in the
morning and found “GC7CCXQ Special Street Lights: Flamingos” and “GC7CCW2 Side-South
Gate of Taipei City Walls” in good order and came to this multi cache with
I'm not good at mystery, but I love multis
that solve puzzle at each coordinates. When arriving at it of this cache, the initial coordinates were like an
island on the road divider.
I searched for the camera according to the
cache description "@ First stage, you need to find a camera number",
but I could not find it. There is an
emergency station building here, so I looked inside and walked around and
searched all over 30 minutes, but couldn't find it.
So I decided to refer to the previous
log. When I looked these, I found two
meaningful things for me.
One is two photos attached to rudychung-san’s log.
other was a photo of penetrate-san.
【rudychung- san’s photos】
To determine the shooting
location on Google Maps, I must refer to the photo on the above left. Perhaps , If I could to know where the above
right photo was taken, so you might be able to find the cache .....
My heart suddenly were filling
up to expectations fully.
I'm good at locating from photos, so in about
15 minutes I knew where was shooting.
The key is the slightly higher tower in the center and the forest in the
When I went to there in a hurry, it was definitely a shooting
there is no place for the above right photo.
The pattern of the road surface is different. So I started searching for nearby roads, predicting
that I wouldn't be far from here. Then,
after a while, I found the same pattern.
Next, I searched where the position of the
white line and the position of the black line match. However, they are similar, but there is no
corresponding section. I made a round
trip back and forth on the same road for 300m.
But not, I thought that right place is might
other side. And I doubted that he bother
moved so bit distance and taking photo. But when I moves with half doubt there,
found the same place !!
【A same angle photo like a rudychung-san’s photo, white and black】
I think that there must be a cache near here, then I looked around and found a suspicious place. The GZ Is that over there? I just checked penetrate's photo just in case.
【penetrate-san’s photo】
When I looked for a place I thought was
suspicious, there was one thing that appeared in penetrate's photo. I did, no doubt! And reached out my hand.... Bingo !
Wow, it was good to be found!
It feels did cunning , but please forgive me, the
cache owner. (笑)
<8.Amazing cache in Taiwan>
There is another one cache that I was left an
Of course, it is “GC3NXZV: Taipei Beimen Post
I am surprised at the installation location
and installation method. Wow, How can
cache owner hide this possible?
I was really surprised. Need to
Maintenance costs, and the owner's passion for Geocaching was felt.
I thought about a similar thing before, but I
decided it was not feasible and gave up. I was very happy to see it actually.
As expected, it was absolutely to be
introduced as "GEOCACHE OF THE WEEK".
<9. Epilogue>
I won't show you it here, but there were
many other great caches in Taiwan. And
I've been able to meet many great Gocachers.
It is
not enough to go once or twice. I will
continue to visit Taiwan as much as possible.
I am looking forward to do Gocaching.
我愛台灣 !
Also, I shall comeback to here.
"Geo Nobose" in the
title has the same meaning as "Geo Baka".
GB is Geocaching-Baka, it means
“Geocaching freak”.
In the northern Kyushu region of
Japan where I live, people who are obsessed with specific things are called
A typical example of use is
"Yama-nobose" from Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival.
If I use "Nobose" for myself, must
say with lot of pride.
"Yes, I’m a Nobose. That’s right.".