(This article was written at 2020-11-02, English version is below.)
~「GN(ジオのぼせ)日誌」No.6 ~
布団から手を伸ばして目覚まし時計のアラームを止め、時間を確認すると午前 3 時。そうです。今日はゴリラに会う日です。それも紅葉真っ盛りの九州の山の中で。
急いで起き上がり、慌ただしく朝食?を取り出発の準備を整えると、ワクワクする気持ちを感じながら 10 月下旬のまだ真っ暗な道路に車を発進させたのです。
午前 6 時過ぎ、大曲登山口に到着すると、平日にもかかわらず既に多くの登山者が集まっていました。車を停める場所も残り少なくなっていました。さすがにこの時期の三俣山です。皆さん紅葉現物が目的です。
10 月に入ると九州の高い山は紅葉が始まります。ここ九重連山は 1,700m前後の山々が連なる場所で三俣山や大船山で素晴らしい紅葉を見ることができます。
勿論、素晴らしい紅葉を見ることも登山の目的ですが、Geocacher の私にはそれと同じくらいゴリラに会うことも楽しみなのです。
登山開始から約 70 分で三俣山(本峰)に到着です。この場所からはすり鉢状になった紅葉の谷間を見ることができます。
3km 先には 5 日前に登った大船山が見えます。きっと多くの登山客で賑わっていることでしょう。大船山の紅葉もきれいです。
賢明な皆さんは九州の山の中にゴリラが生息する筈はない、と既にお気づきだと思います(笑)そうです。実際にはゴリラにそっくりの岩があるのです。そして、そこにはキャッシュ「GC3TWFR GORILLA」があります。
1 年前の 2019 年 10 月に訪問した私は、何時ものようにキャッシュに近づいてAPP を開いてみると、何と「圏外」!しかも、リストを作成していなかったので情報が全くありません。ガーン😨
地図は表示されず、GPS で現在地が示されるだけで何処が公開座標なのかも分かりません。仕方ないので付近の隠し場所になりそうな所を探しますが、見つかりませんでした。
標高 1.500m 近くの吹きさらしの過酷な環境です。先月も大雨が降った場所です。ひょっとしたら、雨で流されたかも知れないと考え、岩の周囲を探しました。草をかき分け、地面に落ちていないかと探すこと 5 分。
途中、今から山頂を目指す多くの人達とすれ違いました。そりゃ、そうですよね。だって、まだ午前 10 だもの。普通の人は今から登るよね。(笑)
----- English Version -----
GORILLA & Autumn leaves
~「GN(Geo-Nobose)Diary」No.6 ~
"Ji, Li,lLi,Li-n"
Reach out from my bed, stop the clock alarm, I checked the time, it's 3:00 am.(Very early morning or midnight ? haha)
Yes. Today is the day to meet the gorilla. The gorilla is also in the mountains of Kyushu where the autumn leaves are in full bloom.
Get up in a hurry and hurry had a breakfast(?). Then I got ready for departure, I felt excited and started my car on the still dark road in late October.
From now on, I'm going to climb to Mt. Mimata in the Kujyu mountain range in Oita prefecture. This mountain is famous for its beautiful autumn leaves. And it is a mountain where can meet a gorilla.
Autumn leaves begin in the high mountains of Kyushu in October. The Kujyu mountain range is a place where mountains of about 1,700 m are lined up, and we can see wonderful autumn leaves especially at Mt.Mimata and Mt.Taisen.。
Of course, seeing the wonderful autumn leaves is also the purpose of mountain climbing, but for me as a Geocacher, I am just also excited to meet a gorilla.
<1. Mt. Mimata>
Under clear skies, aim for the summit while gazing at the sunrise and the sea of clouds.
Since it is fine, a radioactive cooling phenomenon occurs and frost columns are standing. So, Today is a chilly day. The trail was slippery by wet ash and I lost my balance several times. (Lol)
After climbing for a while, I could see the sunrise. It is dazzling to illuminate the pampas grass. could see the sea of clouds in the distance. I thought it's time many people might have waked up under the clouds.
I decided to meet a gorilla aside at the end, and will go to see the autumn leaves first.
It takes about 70 minutes from the trail head to reach the top of Mt. Mimata (main peak). From this place, We can see the valley of autumn leaves in the shape of a mortar.
【Mt. Mimata】
Mt. Mimata is a nonactive volcano. Rowans and Enkianthus perulatuss are vegetated throughout the mortar of the crater and turn red. Its beauty is especially. Enjoyed the autumn leaves while going around the crater. While stopping from time to time, I looked at the shining autumn leaves in the morning sun, forgetting that time had passed.
【Mt. Taisen on 5 days ago】
You have already noticed that gorilla cannot live in the mountains of Kyushu as wise person. (Lol) That's right. In fact, there are rocks that look exactly like a gorilla. And there is a cache "GC3TWFR GORILLA".
I visited in October 2019 a year ago, and when I approached the cache and opened the APP as usual, it was "Out of service! " What's more, I didn't have a Geocaching list, so I don't have any information at all. OMG!
The map was not displayed, only the current location was shown by GPS, and it was not possible to know where the public coordinates are. I couldn't help it, so I searched for a place that could be a hidden place nearby, but I couldn't find it.
So, this time, I checked all the information in advance, saved the spoiler photos separately, and headed to the site.
Looking at the spoiler photos, I immediately found out where it was installed. The gap between the rocks is the installation location. I have a bit climbed rocky area and reached for a gap, there was nothing. "Oh, the cache might had been gone ..." I couldn't find it even if I changed the angle to put my hand in.
This place is a harsh windswept environment near 1,500m above sea level, and It was a place where it rained heavily last month. I searched around the rocks, thinking that it might have been washed away by the rain. After 5 minutes, I found it in bush.
I did it! After all it seems that it was washed away by the rain. The plastic container was buried in the grass. But, when I opened the container, it was in a beautiful state. "I'm glad it was good shape."
<3.Down the mountain>
I enjoyed the autumn leaves, I was able to rescue the gorilla, and able to discover it, so I decided to go down the mountain with great satisfactions.
On the way, I met many people who are aiming for the summit from now on. That's no wonder. Because it's still 10:00 am. Ordinary people will climb from this time. (Lol)